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tensorflow C++ API


Holds state in the form of a tensor that persists across steps.


Outputs a ref to the tensor state so it may be read or modified. TODO(zhifengc/mrry): Adds a pointer to a more detail document about sharing states in tensorflow.


  • scope: A Scope object
  • shape: The shape of the variable tensor.
  • dtype: The type of elements in the variable tensor.

Optional attributes (see Attrs):

  • container: If non-empty, this variable is placed in the given container. Otherwise, a default container is used.
  • shared_name: If non-empty, this variable is named in the given bucket with this shared_name. Otherwise, the node name is used instead.


  • Output: A reference to the variable tensor.

Variable block

Source link :


  • Scope scope : A Scope object (A scope is generated automatically each page. A scope is not connected.)
  • PartialTensorShapeshape: Input shape in value. ex)shape[1] =>8
  • DataTypedtype: input dtype in value. ex)DT_INT32;
  • Variable::Attrs attrs : Input attrs in value. ex)var_name_ =AB;


  • Output output : Output object of Variable class object.


  • std::vector(Tensor) product_result : Returned object of executed result by calling session.

Using Method

Variable 객체 설정 방법

  1. dtype의 값을 입력 dtype = DT_FLOAT, shape = {1,1}, initvalues = {{0.0f}}를 입력하여 생성
  2. initvalues의 modify shape 수행, 변수 타입설정 “int, bool, float, double, string” 개별 배열의 값 설정 (주. shape, dtype의 값은 어떠한 문자열도 입력하지 않아야 함)

Variable 객체는 Assign과 함께 사용하여 동작을 수행함.

Variable 객체의 초기화는 상수객체를 연결하거나 initvalues의 입력으로 설정을 수행.

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