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tensorflow C++ API


Restores a tensor from checkpoint files.


Reads a tensor stored in one or several files. If there are several files (for instance because a tensor was saved as slices),file_patternmay contain wildcard symbols (*and?) in the filename portion only, not in the directory portion.

If afile_patternmatches several files,preferred_shardcan be used to hint in which file the requested tensor is likely to be found. This op will first open the file at indexpreferred_shardin the list of matching files and try to restore tensors from that file. Only if some tensors or tensor slices are not found in that first file, then the Op opens all the files. Settingpreferred_shardto match the value passed as theshardinput of a matchingSaveOp may speed up Restore. This attribute only affects performance, not correctness. The default value -1 means files are processed in order.

See alsoRestoreSlice.


  • scope: A Scope object
  • file_pattern: Must have a single element. The pattern of the files from which we read the tensor.
  • tensor_name: Must have a single element. The name of the tensor to be restored.
  • dt: The type of the tensor to be restored..

Optional attributes (seeAttrs):

  • preferred_shard: Index of file to open first if multiple files matchfile_pattern.


  • Output : The restored tensor.


  • Restore(const ::tensorflow::Scope & scope, ::tensorflow::Input file_pattern, ::tensorflow::Input tensor_name, DataType dt, const Restore::Attrs & attrs).

Public attributes

  • tensorflow::Output tensor

Restore block

Source link :


  • Scope scope : A Scope object (A scope is generated automatically each page. A scope is not connected.)
  • Input file_pattern: input file_pattern with path.
  • Input tensor_names: input tensor_name.
  • Restore::Attrs attrs : input attrs. ex) preferred_shard_ = -1;


  • Output tensor : Output tensor of Restore class object.


  • std::vector(Tensor) product_result : Returned object of executed result by calling session.

Using Method