tensorflow C++ API
A queue that produces elements sorted by the first component value.
Note that the PriorityQueue requires the first component of any element to be a scalar int64, in addition to the other elements declared by component_types. Therefore calls to Enqueue and EnqueueMany (resp. Dequeue and DequeueMany) on a PriorityQueue will all require (resp. output) one extra entry in their input (resp. output) lists..
- scope: A Scope object
- shapes: The shape of each component in a value. The length of this attr must be either 0 or the same as the length of component_types. If the length of this attr is 0, the shapes of queue elements are not constrained, and only one element may be dequeued at a time.
Optional attributes (seeAttrs
- component_types: The type of each component in a value.
- capacity: The upper bound on the number of elements in this queue. Negative numbers mean no limit.
- container: If non-empty, this queue is placed in the given container. Otherwise, a default container is used.
- shared_name: If non-empty, this queue will be shared under the given name across multiple sessions.
- Output : The handle to the queue.
- PriorityQueue(const ::tensorflow::Scope & scope, const gtl::ArraySlice< PartialTensorShape > & shapes,const PriorityQueue::Attrs & attrs).
Public attributes
- tensorflow::Output handle.
PriorityQueue block
Source link :
- Scope scope : A Scope object (A scope is generated automatically each page. A scope is not connected.)
- shapes: Input tensor shapes.
PriorityQueue ::Attrs attrs : input attrs data. ex) component_types_ = DT_INT32; capacity = -1;_container = ; shared_name = ;
- Output handle: Output object of PriorityQueue class object.
- std::vector(Tensor) product_result : Returned object of executed result by calling session.