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ensor Math functions

본 문서는 enuSpace for jupiter version 기반으로 작성되었습니다.

ensor.Abs()Returns the absolute value of a numberlua
ensor.Acos()Returns the arccosine of a numberlua
ensor.Acosh()Returns the inverse hyperbolic cosine of a numberlua
ensor.Acot()Returns the arccotangent of a numberlua
ensor.Acoth()Returns the hyperbolic arccotangent of a numberlua
ensor.Add()Returns the add value of a numberlua
ensor.Asin()Returns the arcsine of a numberlua
ensor.Asinh()Returns the inverse hyperbolic sine of a numberlua
ensor.Atan()Returns the arctangent of a numberlua
ensor.Atan2()Returns the arctangent from x- and y-coordinateslua
ensor.Atanh()Returns the inverse hyperbolic tangent of a numberlua
ensor.Cos()Returns the cosine of a numberlua
ensor.Cosh()Returns the hyperbolic cosine of a numberlua
ensor.Cot()Returns the cotangent of an anglelua
ensor.Coth()Returns the hyperbolic cotangent of a numberlua
ensor.Csc()Returns the cosecant of an anglelua
ensor.Csch()Returns the hyperbolic cosecant of an anglelua
ensor.Degrees()Converts radians to degreeslua
ensor.Radians()Converts degrees to radianslua
ensor.Exp()Returns e raised to the power of a given numberlua
ensor.Fact()Returns the factorial of a numberlua
ensor.FactDouble()Returns the double factorial of a numberlua
ensor.Floor()Rounds a number down, toward zerolua
ensor.Even()Rounds a number up to the nearest even integerlua
ensor.Odd()Rounds a number up to the nearest odd integerlua
ensor.Ceiling()Rounds a number to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significancelua
ensor.LCM()Returns the least common multiplelua
ensor.GCD()Returns the least common divisorlua
ensor.Ln()Returns the natural logarithm of a numberlua
ensor.Log10()Returns the base-10 logarithm of a numberlua
ensor.Max()Returns the max value of a numberlua
ensor.Det()Returns the matrix determinant of an arraylua
ensor.Mean()Returns the mean value of a numberlua
ensor.Mul()Returns the matrix product of two arrayslua
ensor.MatMul()Returns the matrix multiplies of two arrayslua
ensor.Transpose()Returns the matrix transpose of a numberlua
ensor.Inverse()Returns the matrix inverse of an arraylua
ensor.Int()Returns the int value of an arraylua
ensor.Min()Returns the min value of a numberlua
ensor.Mod()Returns the remainder from divisionlua
ensor.Round()Returns a number rounded to the desired multiplelua
ensor.Unit()Returns the unit matrix or the specified dimensionlua
ensor.Power()Returns the result of a number raised to a powerlua
ensor.Product()Multiplies its argumentslua
ensor.Rand()Returns a random number between 0 and 1lua
ensor.Sec()Returns the secant of an anglelua
ensor.Sech()Returns the hyperbolic secant of an anglelua
ensor.Sign()Returns the sign of a numberlua
ensor.Sum()Adds its argumentslua
ensor.SumIf()Adds its conditional argumentslua
ensor.Sin()Returns the sine of the given anglelua
ensor.Sinh()Returns the hyperbolic sine of a numberlua
ensor.Sqrt()Returns a positive square rootlua
ensor.Square()Returns the square of a numberlua
ensor.Sub()Returns the subtract of a numberlua
ensor.SubSquare()Returns the subtract and square of a numberlua
ensor.SquareSub()Returns the square and subtract of a numberlua
ensor.Tan()Returns the tangent of a numberlua
ensor.Tanh()Returns the hyperbolic tangent of a numberlua
ensor.Div()Returns the division of a numberlua
ensor.Reci()Returns the reciprocal of a numberlua

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